I was getting pretty cocky last November (2014). I had written two-thirds of the first draft of Jack and Noah's Big Election, I had the rest of the book's outline completed, and all I needed was a little time and focus to hit my two-year publishing deadline. And then baseball season arrived.
I had the pleasure of leading an indoor practice season beginning in January, and then I coached Henry's team beginning in March. That lead into all-star season and, before you know it, Memorial Little League won State and advanced to Regionals for the first time in 26 years. We returned from Indianapolis yesterday, and today my LAB (life after baseball) begins.
It's premature to even think about writing again. All I've done the past seven weeks is work and coach baseball, and I didn't do either very well. However, I did do an excellent job of ignoring my wife, my two other kids, my health, my dog, and countless other people and things that are important to me. I need to focus on those first, and then hopefully I can dig into writing again.
I appreciate the two ESPN commentators who made a point to mention my book on the ESPN3 broadcasts. You gave me a short-lived but fun spike in my website activity, which made me realize that I've also ignored my website for about six months. So.... life after baseball begins now. I hope I can make it a big life.