My friends only need to look at my face to know that it's May. This is the sixth year I've grown a mustache during May as part of Mustaches for Kids, a national organization that raises money for children's charities by... you guessed it... growing mustaches. It sounds stupid, and it is, but the Omaha chapter raised over $200,000 for the Nebraska Make-A-Wish charity in May 2013. The downside to all of this is that I look really creepy in a multi-colored, straw-like mustache, and when I meet someone for the first time, it's not always convenient to say, "I know you think I'm a fool for growing this nasty mustache, but it's for charity." So, for many of the people I meet this month, they'll do their best to avoid eye contact while they hold tightly onto their children, purses and wallets.